Class LCS

Create a new instance of the LCS implementation.


class LCS(a, b)
  • a – The first sequence
  • b – The second sequence



LCS#compute(callback, T, limit)
  • callback
    A function(x, y) called for A[x] and B[y] for symbols
    taking part in the LCS.
  • T
    Context object bound to “this” when the callback is
  • limit
    A Limit instance constraining the window of operation to
    the given limit. If undefined the algorithm will iterate over the whole sequences a and b.

Compute longest common subsequence using myers divide & conquer linear space algorithm.

Call a callback for each snake which is part of the longest common subsequence.

This algorithm works with strings and arrays. In order to modify the equality-test, just override the equals(a, b) method on the LCS object.



Return the default limit spanning the whole input


LCS#equals(a, b)
  • a
  • b

Returns true if the sequence members a and b are equal. Override this method if your sequences contain special things.


LCS#forEachCommonSymbol(callback, T)
  • callback
    A function(x, y) called for A[x] and B[y] for symbols
    taking part in the LCS.
  • T
    Context object bound to “this” when the callback is

Call a callback for each symbol which is part of the longest common subsequence between A and B.

Given that the two sequences A and B were supplied to the LCS constructor, invoke the callback for each pair A[x], B[y] which is part of the longest common subsequence of A and B.

This algorithm works with strings and arrays. In order to modify the equality-test, just override the equals(a, b) method on the LCS object.

Usage: <code> var lcs = []; var A = ‘abcabba’; var B = ‘cbabac’; var l = new LCS(A, B); l.forEachCommonSymbol(function(x, y) {


}); console.log(lcs); // -> [ ‘c’, ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘a’ ] </code>


LCS#forEachPositionInSnake(left, right, callback, T)
  • left – Left KPoint
  • right – Right KPoint
  • callback – Callback of the form function(x, y)
  • T
    Context object bound to “this” when the callback is

Invokes a function for each position in the snake between the left and the right snake head.


LCS#middleSnake(lefthead, righthead, limit)
  • lefthead
    (Output) A reference to a KPoint which will be
    populated with the values corresponding to the left end of the middle snake.
  • righthead
    (Output) A reference to a KPoint which will be
    populated with the values corresponding to the right end of the middle snake.
  • limit – (In) Current lcs search limits (left, right, N, M, delta, dmax)
:returns :
d, number of edit script operations encountered within
the given limit

Internal use. Find the middle snake and set lefthead to the left end and righthead to the right end.


LCS#nextSnakeHeadBackward(head, k, kmin, kmax, limit, V)
  • head
    (Output) Reference to a KPoint which will be populated
    with the new values
  • k – (In) Current k-line
  • kmin – (In) Lowest k-line in current d-round
  • kmax – (In) Highest k-line in current d-round
  • limit – (In) Current lcs search limits (left, right, N, M, delta, dmax)
  • V
    (In-/Out) Vector containing the results of previous
    calculations. This vector gets updated automatically by nextSnakeHeadForward method.

Internal use. Compute new values for the next head on the given k-line in reverse direction by examining the results of previous calculations in V in the neighborhood of the k-line k.


LCS#nextSnakeHeadForward(head, k, kmin, kmax, limit, V)
  • head
    (Output) Reference to a KPoint which will be populated
    with the new values
  • k – (In) Current k-line
  • kmin – (In) Lowest k-line in current d-round
  • kmax – (In) Highest k-line in current d-round
  • limit – (In) Current lcs search limits (left, right, N, M, delta, dmax)
  • V
    (In-/Out) Vector containing the results of previous
    calculations. This vector gets updated automatically by nextSnakeHeadForward method.

Internal use. Compute new values for the next head on the given k-line in forward direction by examining the results of previous calculations in V in the neighborhood of the k-line k.

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LCS Algorithm

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Class KPoint