Input Documents



On Operation

Delta.js Help

This is the interactive XML diff and merge tool based on the delta.js toolkit.

Diffing XML files

First select the original version of your XML, HTML or SVG file using the appropriate button from the toolbar on the left. Then select the modified version by clicking on "Diff against changed file". The diffing algorithm now identifies all the changes between the two versions. The list of changes is also displayed in the column on the left.

Save generated patch file to your download folder by clicking on the button "Save delta file". Due to browser restrictions the file will have a awkward name after the download. In order to use the file afterwards you have to rename it into something like "mypatch.xml".

If you are using Google Chrome or Chromium, the file is typically named "Download" without any extension. Firefox will name it "XXXXXXXX.part". Opera allows the user to choose a file name before the download starts.

Patching xml files

Again, start out with selecting the original version of your XML, HTML or SVG file using the "Select original version" button in the toolbar. Then click on "Patch using delta file" and choose a patch file you created before. The patching algorithm now tries to resolve all the changes and displays them in a list in the column on the left.

Each change can be applied individually using the checkboxes displayed alongside with the change description in the list. If for some reason a change was not resolved successfully, a warning sign is displayed instead of the checkbox

The patched document is shown in the preview tab. You can see the effect an individual change has on the document by toggling the checkboxes while watching the preview.

Using the button titled "Save patched document" you can open the resulting document incorporating the choosen changes in a new browser window or tab.